
Motion Keys

    * h - move left one character
    * j - move down one line
    * k - move up
    * l - move right
    * $ - go to the end of the current line
    * 0 - go to the beginning of the current line
    * G - go to the last line in the file
    * 15G - go to line 15
    * control-F - forward one page
    * control-B - backwards one page

Insertion Commands

    * i - insert text before cursor position
    * a - add text after cursor position
    * A - append text at the end of the current line
    * o - add text after the current line (open)
    * O - add text before the current line

Deletion Commands

    * x - delete one character
    * r - replace one character with the next character typed
    * dd - delete entire line
    * dw - delete word
    * 3dd - deletes three entire lines


    * p - put the last deleted item after the cursor or after the current line
    * P - put the last deleted item before the cursor or before the current line
    * "a3dd - delete the next 3 lines and store in buffer a
    * "a3yy - yank the next 3 lines (without deletion) and store in buffer a
    * "a3yw - yank the next 3 words (without deletion) and store in buffer a
    * "ap - put the contents of buffer a
    * There are 26 named buffers a-z.


    * u - undo last command
    * J - join the current line to the next one

Saving and Quitting

    * :x- quit and save
    * :w - save but don't quit
    * :q! - quit but don't save
    * :r file - read a copy of file into the current file


    * /pattern < return > - find pattern forward and go there
    * ?pattern < return > - find pattern backwards and go there
    * n - repeat previous search